10th April 2021
10th April 2021
Since Covid has made it impossible to have an in-person exhibitions, holding virtual ones has become popular.
For the second time, the Lahn Artists in Limburg are holding a vitual exhibition until the end of June. The title is "Auf dem Weg in bessere Zeiten" (On the way to better times). Since we were asked for something upbeat, postive or humorous, I remembered a highland cow that I had photographed years ago, with his hair hanging down in his face. It reminded me of the times here where the hair salons were closed and so many people complained about needing a hair cut. Hence the title, "Ich brauche meinen Friseur!" (I need my hairdresser!)
Forty five artists have contributed to this exhibition. I hope you get a chance to check it out.
If that link doesn't take you directly to the exhibition, you can also access it from and click on "Ein Link ist HIER!" on the page under the exhibition title.
9th April 2021
9th April 2021
Wow, what a year 2020 was. In just the blink of an eye, plans were out the window. Photo exhibitions, in the final planning stages, were put on indefinite hold due to Covid-19.
Here we are, one year later and exhibitions are still on hold or, in some instances, done virtually.
As the rollout of vaccines progress, and the weather (hopefully) starts to warm up, I'm looking forward to the restrictions lifting and being able to meet friends and travel with my hubby and cameras.
Please remember to wear your mask, social distance and stay safe!